Q. Why do you see so many houses displaying carp streamers in the spring? ○ 質問:何故、春になると多くの家が鯉のぼりを飾って
(I found this photo here. It's from a postcard that was made in 1900. ) A. Carp streamers are an ancient tradition in Japan. They...
Q. How come Japanese people slurp Japanese and Chinese noodles but not spaghetti? ○ (写真挿入) 質問:何故、日本
A. During childhood, children in North America and Europe are always told that it is very bad manners to make slurping sounds while...
Q. Why do you see so many houses displaying carp streamers in the spring?
何故、春になると多くの家が鯉のぼりを飾っているのでしょうか? A. Carp streamers are an ancient tradition in Japan. They originated more than a thousand years ago, and...
Q. Why is it that every cat I've seen in Japan has only half a tail or only a little stumpy tail
A. The most common type of cat in Japan is the Japanese Bobtail. The tails are not cut and are passed down from parent to kitten....